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BBQ Competition



  • There will be two age groups: 6-10 and 11-15 years old. Space is limited to a total of 20 participants. 
  • Participants must complete the entry form and pay entry fee.
  • No refunds will be made once the entry form and entry fee have been accepted.
  • Each entry form must be signed by the participant’s parent or guardian.
  • Each participant and parent or guardian MUST attend the cook’s meeting on Friday, June. 7 at 5:30 p.m. in the judge’s tent. It will be announced when particpants can begin grilling.

Entry Fee
Complete the entry form or register and pay online, include $30 entry fee and return to 611 N. Mulberry Rd., Derby, KS 67037

Contest Information

Participant Responsibilities

  • Participant will be assigned a cooking area with table space (keep all supplies/equipment in your area.)
  • Participant will receive a small grill (Grill will be started by a Derby Firefighter) and 1 lb. of ground beef. The ground beef must be the main protein source however other accompanying proteins such as bacon or sausage may be used in conjunction with the ground beef.
  • Participant will receive one numbered styrofoam container to turn-in meat for judging.
  • Participant can use their own seasonings, condiments, garnishes, buns, cheeses, sauces, etc.  KCBS rules on garnish do not apply.
  • Participant is required to do all preparations, seasoning, garnishing and cooking of entry with no help from parent or guardian, unless the task is too dangerous for particpant to complete.
  • Participant must turn in no less than enough prepared meat for six judges to sample (does not have to be six individual pieces). Meat must be kept at 160 degrees or higher until turn in time.
  • Participants are responsible for the clean-up of their assigned cooking area. Grills will be emptied by Derby BBQ staff and cooled for  participant to take home.
  • Participants are responsible for abiding by all rules & regulations. Failure to do so will be cause for disqualification.


  • Judging will be based on appearance, tenderness/texture and taste.

Parental Involvement

  • A parent or guardian must be available on site at all times from set-up to tear down. Any participant not under adult supervision will be disqualified.
  • Adult participation or coaching during competition could lead to disqualification. There will be Derby BBQ staff present to help with grills and hot coals.


Awards & Turn-In


  • Awards will be presented at 7:45 p.m. on Friday, June 7 at the Kids Que cook site.
  • The 1st place winner in each age division will receive $200; the 2nd place winner in each age division will receive $150 and the 3rd place winner in each age division will receive $100.

Turn-In Time

All entries must be turned in at the Judging Tent on Friday, June 7 at 7 p.m. (five minutes before and after acceptable). The Judging Tent will be clearly marked with signage.janaespringer@derbyweb.com

If you have questions about the Kids Que Contest,  contact Janaé Springer at 788-1519 ext. 1232 or janaespringer@derbyweb.com.

The KCBS BBQ Competition – CONTEST FULL 

Four meats will be judged in this contest: Chicken, Ribs, Pork and Brisket.
KCBS 2024 Official Rules and Regulations & Judging Procedures will be used.
Teams must compete in all four meat categories to qualify for Grand Champion or Reserve Grand Champion.

The People’s Choice Tasting Contest will be held Friday night, June 7. Pulled pork may be prepared prior to arrival (three pork butts per team). Three pork butts will be given to participating teams to replace those prepared. Teams will receive a discount on entry fee for participating.

Payout for People’s Choice pays 1st to 5th place: $500, $450, $400, $275, $175.

Please complete the registration form before making a payment.


Set up

  • ONE vehicle per team will be allowed in the competition area. All other vehicles must park in the designated parking area. Any vehicle seen driving through playgrounds or any other area clearly not meant to be driven through will not be allowed back in the competition area.
  • Register early, space is limited to 43 contestants.
  • Space is allocated at Derby’s High Park on a first-come, first-served basis. No assigned spots.
  • Derby Public Works staff will park each contestant on Friday, June 7 beginning at 8 a.m. All teams will be parked in a pre-determined manner to expedite electricity hook-ups. There will be no saving spots. Please arrive at the same time as your favorite neighbor so we can get electricity hooked up as soon as possible. Thursday arrival can be arranged but there will be no power available until Friday.
  • 120v (30 AMP) power supply is available no farther than 50’ from each space. Bring your own extension cords.
  • Free ice and a water source are provided near contestant spaces.
  • A designated area will be provided for trash and ash disposal.
  • Tear Down – Most teams want to leave directly after awards. PLEASE DISCONNECT ALL POWER AND WATER SOURCES BEFORE GOING TO AWARDS. Staff will disconnect water and power beginning at 3 pm. We do have live music, food trucks and adult beverages available on Saturday night. You are welcome to stay but will not have access to power.


  • Meat will be inspected upon arrival at the park. No preparation may begin prior to meat inspection.
  • Teams will be given an approved KCBS numbered container for each meat by our KCBS reps at the Cook’s Meeting at 5:30 pm, Friday, June 7, at the judging tent.
  • Entries should be brought to the Judging Tent at the following turn-in times on Saturday, June 8:
    – Chicken: noon
    – Ribs: 12:30 pm
    – Pork: 1 pm
    – Brisket: 1:30 pm


  • A total of $18,400 will be paid out in prize money for all the competitions at the BBQ Festival.
  • Top cash prizes in this contest will be awarded to a Grand Champion ($1,500) and a Reserve Grand Champion ($1,000) for best execution of all four meats.
  • This contest will pay down to 10th place in all four categories; ribbons will be awarded from 1st to 10th place in all four categories. 
  • People’s Choice will pay the top five places, $500, $450, $400, $275, and $175.

The Scholfield Honda Backyard BBQ Competition – CONTEST FULL

Two meat categories will be judged in this contest: Chicken and Pork Ribs.
KCBS 2024 Official Rules and Regulations & Judging Procedures will be used.
Teams must compete in both meat categories to qualify for prizes.

The People’s Choice Tasting Contest will be held Friday night, June 7. Pulled pork may be prepared prior to arrival (three pork butts per team). Three pork butts will be given to participating teams to replace those prepared. Teams will receive a discount on entry fee for participating.

Payout for People’s Choice pays 1st to 5th place: $500, $450, $400, $275, $175.

Please complete the registration form before making a payment.


Set up

  • ONE vehicle per team will be allowed in the competition area. All other vehicles must park in the designated parking area. Any vehicle seen driving through playgrounds or any other area clearly not meant to be driven through will not be allowed back in the competition area.
  • Competitors may cook on any type of non-gas grill.
  • Space is allocated at Derby’s High Park on a first-come, first served basis. No assigned spots. To expedite electricity hook-ups, all teams will be parked in a pre-determined manner. There will be no saving spots. Please arrive at the same time as your favorite neighbor so electricity can be hooked up as soon as possible.
  • Space is limited to 15 backyard contestants (10 with power and 5 without)
  • Staff will park contestants on Friday, June 7 beginning at 8 am. All backyard spaces are 20’ x 20’.
  • 120V (30 AMP) power supply is available no farther than 50’ from each space. Please bring your own extension cords.
  • Free ice is available behind the amphitheater, and a water source provided near contestant spaces.
  • Tear Down – Most teams want to leave directly after awards. Please plan to be packed up and unhooked from power and water before 3 pm. All power and water will be disconnected during awards ceremony.


  • All meat will be inspected upon arrival at the park. No preparation may begin prior to meat inspection.
  • Teams will be given an approved KCBS numbered container for each meat at the 5:30 pm Cook’s Meeting.
  • Entries should be brought to the Judging Tent at the following turn-in times on Saturday, June 8.
    – Chicken: noon.
    – Pork Ribs: 12:30 pm


Trophy for Overall Champion

1st Place: $300 + a ribbon
2nd Place: $200 + a ribbon
3rd Place: $150 + a ribbon
4th Place: $100 + a ribbon
5th Place: $80 + a ribbon

1st Place: $300 + a ribbon
2nd Place: $200 + a ribbon
3rd Place: $150 + a ribbon
4th Place: $100 + a ribbon
5th Place: $80 + a ribbon